Monday, March 18, 2013

Fundraising 101

Fundraising has to be the most nerve wrecking responsibility in the world. I have been putting my hand to the plow in different fundraising techniques from having a talent show, to now being on Indiegogo encouraging folks to donate to our campaign.  I believe it takes a certain kind of strength to ask and get money from strangers not to mention folks you know.  For a week now I posted for people to donate on facebook and unfortunately folks don't donate they just like the page. Come on people is what I want to scream this is our history!
My next attenpt is ask for a donation through all the emails and send out an email to at last thirty people asking for support for the project not including other big potential investors. I'm ready to ask ellen (TV SHOW) since she gives a lot of money away on her show if she can assist.
It seems like my crew keeps falling short of responsibilities that they are tasked to handle.  I am thoroughly aggravated about folks attitude about the project. Actions speak louder than words and I always give folks room to hang themselves.   It has finally come to a head that some people just need to go back to their hole and stay there because they are dragging me down and having me fall behind schedule when they decide not to do their part.
Tomorrow I am meeting with Jamal Joseph and pretty excited about that meeting. I will be giving him the up-to-date status of the project and what goals we have next to tackle. I really feel all alone out here with no help, like I'm swimming in place.  Not sure if I should stop go find a job and pay for the crew myself.  Just frustrated with folks with the same old bullshyt story I'm gonna help and they never follow through always an excuse.

My goals are to mainatin a positive attitude even when folks let you down. I know at the end of the day my name is on this project and I have to put my best foot forward.
Today is a great day and I will continue to have faith my ancestors aren't gonna let me down!

Live from Filmstress Row...This is the Filmstress!

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